Idling boats.
Diesel subsidy.
Malaysian fishermen (or rather the boat owners) have been enjoying diesel subsidy over the years. Recent reduction of the subsidy make them stay away from the sea. I was at Tanjung Api, in Kuantan during recent school holidays and saw too many fishing boats idling away at the jetty.
Some of the trawlers operator had been leasing their licence to foreigners (Viet and Thai) to fish in Malaysian water which worsen the situation.
If the subsidy was given to them in order assist the poor fisherman to make a decent living why should it be removed now. Is it because they have become too wealthy and do not require these subsidy anymore? The fish price is already high as it is and I hope this is not another excuse to escalate it to higher level.
Despite the current issue I still enjoy breakfast of 'nasi dagang' at Tanjung Api fisherman jetty.