This old bungalow is the remnant of the colonial era. Judging by the old chimney protruding from the roof, it could be constructed in the mid fifties. It could be the residence of one of the senior government servant during the time. The building still looked solid. Why is it being abandoned? I wonder why?
I was exploring the area behind the Kuala Pilah rest house. The road was leading to the communication tower on the hill top. The spot seemed isolated from the rest of the town. When many people are still with out proper dwelling, it seemed like a waste.
There must be a reson for it being left unoccupied. Berhantu kut?
Pelik juga mengapa mereka yang tiada tempat berteduh tidak menghuninya.
I guess PBT or its owner should do something, renovate it and rent it out. I am sure somebody will find it useful.
The 2nd photo looks like a Government quarters. Maybe the land had been given (anugerah) to some politicians or ex govt. big shot. I can see a few of these derelict buildings in Seremban.
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