Welcome 2010.
I am going to usher new year in Penang this time. Left KL yesterday for my parent home in Taiping. On the way did something different. With the completion of North South Highway PLUS, I seldom ventured out of the expressway. If I did make a stop, it was just at one of the R&R.
I made two stop diversion yesterday. First one to visit my wife niece at Batu Gajah. I exited at Gopeng exit, after the toll plaza turn right at the first traffic light. Passing through Gopeng Town. Oh! the prewar shop house still there and the famous water pipe, two gigantic rusty looking pipes across the main road. After all these years they still remain as landmark of Gopeng. Then the simpang tiga where I turned left toward Batu Gajah. The road go all the way to Lumut passing through Sri Iskandar. Before that very famous landmark on the left called Kellie's Castle. I shall write about the place later.
Actually my destination was the KTM complex which is situated away from the town. It housed few thousand staff by the look of it. After having tea at her apartment I continue my journey to Gunung Rapat, Ipoh, to visit one of my former classmate, Dr. Salleh. My association with him went way back from our primary school days in Kuala Kangsar. He showed me some of the old school report of our primary school days at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Idris II. What a nostalgic revisit. Now that we a retired, it make interesting conversation piece. After another hearty meal I proceeded to my final destination, my parent home in Taiping.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Toll, toil and trouble.
Today headline in one of the newspaper. After 10 death in the 26th. Dec 2009 road accident the paper start to spin stories on the causes. It suggested low salary of the bus driver could be one of them as it could forced them to work overtime in order to make end meet. One guy even blamed the strong divider. In the Kota Baru shopping mall incident somebody put the blame on weaker wall.
Even if you pay these bus diver the like of pilot salary, there is no guarantee that there will not be accident. So please do not speculate but go to the root cause if we want to reduce bus accident. People sleep on the job because they do not have enough sleep in the first place. There could be 1001 reasons what rob them from their precious sleep. We should not be interested in that. The driver must be discipline enough to have enough rest before taking on the road. No regulation or enforcement can ensure this except the driver himself.
Today headline in one of the newspaper. After 10 death in the 26th. Dec 2009 road accident the paper start to spin stories on the causes. It suggested low salary of the bus driver could be one of them as it could forced them to work overtime in order to make end meet. One guy even blamed the strong divider. In the Kota Baru shopping mall incident somebody put the blame on weaker wall.
Even if you pay these bus diver the like of pilot salary, there is no guarantee that there will not be accident. So please do not speculate but go to the root cause if we want to reduce bus accident. People sleep on the job because they do not have enough sleep in the first place. There could be 1001 reasons what rob them from their precious sleep. We should not be interested in that. The driver must be discipline enough to have enough rest before taking on the road. No regulation or enforcement can ensure this except the driver himself.
Sunday, December 27, 2009

This is an annual affair for the alumni of Sekolah Dato' Abdul Razak. The event was held at Dewan Puspanitapuri, Precint 10, Putrajaya. The guest of honour was Tun Dr. Mahathir and Tun Siti Hasmah. What was more special to me was the presence of my former teacher Mr. Wee Mr. Nathan and Tuan Syed Jaafar (former Pengetua).
Mr.Wee was my former PE teacher and Mr. Nathan was the science teacher. Mr. Nathan was as black as ever and was even dressed with black shirt and pant. During one of his science class he asked one student for the definition of carbon. The guy simply answer 'anything black' which Mr.Nathan was not amused.
Mr.Wee was my former PE teacher and Mr. Nathan was the science teacher. Mr. Nathan was as black as ever and was even dressed with black shirt and pant. During one of his science class he asked one student for the definition of carbon. The guy simply answer 'anything black' which Mr.Nathan was not amused.
My batch fivers71 occupied table no.8 and 9. The function was very well organised this time. My family stayed until the last performance. That speak a lot. Normally they would be looking at their watch but do not have the heart to tell me that they are bored since daddy was having good time.
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Many of us has retired. Of course those business man friends never retired, kerja sampai mati lah. So we meet again after more than four decades. Some came as far as Kedah and Trengganu
just to gloat over old times. Oh yes one guy came from Boston, USA. he happened to be here on holidays.It was fun once we met and start reminiscing those days in Tanjung Malim. The spirit never want to grow old.
just to gloat over old times. Oh yes one guy came from Boston, USA. he happened to be here on holidays.It was fun once we met and start reminiscing those days in Tanjung Malim. The spirit never want to grow old.
Thank again to IT age with out those SMS we may never be able to communicate just to let old friends know about the meeting.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I was at the Curve Damansara the other day. I saw a keyboard which was part of the directory system to assist visitor to find their way around the complex. It was really in a sorry state. I was wondering, are we going to be a develop nation come the year 2020 if we are not civic minded enough to take care of public property like above. You know the answer.
Friday, October 02, 2009

Thundering noises, you know they are coming. Suddenly they appear at lightening speed. From left, right and every where. He he I am exaggerating a little bit. Why are they here at this time of the year? Don't tell me we have so much money left after buying submarine that we are looking for new fighters.
Later as I was browsing SDARA egroups found out that these are American Falcon aerobatic teams doing their rehearsal for air display the next day. Such magnificent killing machines.
Friday, September 25, 2009

Port Weld was renamed Kuala Sepetang recently, someone effort to erase its colonial past which I do not think necessary. Similarly Maxwell Hill was renamed as Bukit Larut. There is nationalistic feeling for doing it but I rather let colonial name stay as it would served as reminder to the future generation that we were once colonised. They would value our independence more and probably encouraged them to learn our history.
Port Weld was renamed Kuala Sepetang recently, someone effort to erase its colonial past which I do not think necessary. Similarly Maxwell Hill was renamed as Bukit Larut. There is nationalistic feeling for doing it but I rather let colonial name stay as it would served as reminder to the future generation that we were once colonised. They would value our independence more and probably encouraged them to learn our history.
My journey to Port Weld was to find what is left of the oldest railway station in Malaysia. The first railway track was built to connect Taiping to this town, mainly to export tin in those days.
I could not find the station neither was there any sign post to indicate the place. I was hoping somebody would do that in future as I am sure there are many history buff (like me) who will be interested.
My trip was not wasted as I discovered Port Weld new attraction.. mee udang banjir Mak Teh.
Costing rm10 a bowl it was delicious, certainly worth the trip to this sleepy town.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Once again we are celebrating the much awaited Aidilfitri after a month long fasting. Despite the recession the festive mood of hari raya is still there especially among the children. Well the school was closed for a week to start with. What is noticeable is that we are no longer flooded by wishing cards instead the mobile phone is jammed with SMS. I like this short one sent by SDARA Rosman, Lemak ikan duri, asam ikan patin, salam aidilfitri, maaf zahir batin. He he very cute and straight to the point. Among SMSs received, surprisingly many from non Muslim. I must make a point to sent them greeting come deepavali, chinese new year and christmas.
Today is the fourth day, still along way to go for this a month long celebration. What away to regain those lost kgs. ;-)
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Last Monday I visited this unique house located at Ulu Langat District. It is situated on a hill slope, deep inside a Malay village. What make this design unique is the use of bamboo as the main construction materials. Not an ordinary bamboo but an imported one from Indonesia. The owner went to Indonesia to do a research on bamboo house design. He managed to convince few craftsmen to come to Malaysia just to do this project for him.
Will the bamboo last? Well according to him he had seen some of these bamboo houses still stand in Bogor, Indonesia after a century. Long enough to last the lease period in Malaysia.
The project is not fully completed yet. Few months from now it is going to be the only kind in this country.
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Selang dua minggu seorang lagi anak saudaraku bertunang. Majlis pertunangan kali ini merupakan satu pengalaman baru buat diriku kerana aku telah diminta untuk menjadi juru cakap bagi pehak lelaki. Selalunya tugas ini diberikan kepada orang tua yang berpengalaman. Mengapa pula aku, hati kecilku bertanya. Aku mengaku memanglah aku tidak menganggap diriku didalam golongan muda, memanglah dah tua kerana sudah bersara. Tertapi dari segi pengalaman, memang lah kurang. Sebelum ini aku pernah menjadi juru cakap tetapi bagi pehak perempuan. Mudah sahaja kerana pehak perempuan hanya menunggu.
Apa akan jadi jika aku tersalah cakap. Mungkinkah peminangan tidak diterima atau hantaran yang diminta terkeluar dari budget. Rupanya sangkaanku meleset sekali. Semuanya berjalan dengan lancar dan peminangan telah diterima, Alhamdulillah.
Sunday, August 02, 2009

Saya telah menyaksikan majlis peminangan anak saudara perempuan pada 26 Jul 2008 yang berlangsung di Klang . Satu majlis yang sederhana tetapi tetap meriah. Bakal suami berkerja sebagai pendidik berasal dari negeri Perak. Semoga selamat diijabkabulkan tidak lama lagi.
Monday, July 27, 2009

Oh! not again, this must be for the third time in the last 28 years. That remind me I have been staying in the same house for that long. The address and phone number had changed several time during the period. Got to think of something to deter such petty theft. The police would laugh in my face if I report this to them.
Sunday, July 26, 2009

We heard of snatch theft case almost everyday but it really hit you hard if it happened to somebody close to you. Last week my daughter became one of the latest victim. Two thugs attacked her just outside her office, Taman Seri Jati, off Jalan Puchong. They not only took her valuables but slashed her throat in the process. Seemed like this is their latest tactic to deter people from chasing them as the focus would now be on the victim to get medical attention. I thanked God, the injury could have been fatal if the cut was 2cm deeper. The weapon used was some kind of ramboo knife. I shared this experience hoping whoever read would alert their children and loved one. Just be alert when people on motorbike approached you and be wary if they keep their bike engine running.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Cannibal? What at this age!
Well don't be surprised. I was reading the STAR today, this guy, by the name Sumanto, was released from prison where he served for five years, upon conviction of all thing of being a cannibal. He actually stole a body from a graveyard and made himself a meal out of it. He was actually convicted for stealing corpse rather than performing the despicable act. When asked what was the taste like, he simply said, it was delicious. I can't imagine what the feeling like in his village once they know that he is again on the loose.
The term cannibalisation is also used to describe when you take a component from an aircraft to service another aircraft.
Well don't be surprised. I was reading the STAR today, this guy, by the name Sumanto, was released from prison where he served for five years, upon conviction of all thing of being a cannibal. He actually stole a body from a graveyard and made himself a meal out of it. He was actually convicted for stealing corpse rather than performing the despicable act. When asked what was the taste like, he simply said, it was delicious. I can't imagine what the feeling like in his village once they know that he is again on the loose.
The term cannibalisation is also used to describe when you take a component from an aircraft to service another aircraft.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Dr.Hamzah Hamid wedding function at Putrajaya Sunday 21st. June 2009.
Some of us meet again at Dr.Hamzah Hamid daughter wedding at Komplek Perbadanan Putrajaya, Dewan Siantan. I was not too trigger happy that day so did not took too many photos. We had a group photo at the pelamin. The photo was taken by Hamzah's anak buah. So I hope he will share it with us in the near future. I remember we had group photo at several fivers71 wedding functions but they were a bit shy to share it with us. Any respond geng.
The caterer was none pther than our friend Ghazali Akasah of Kantan Tiga Katering. Ni nak promote sikit, the food was superb and service was excellence. So sape yang nak buat kenduri bolehlah kontek beliau.
Sunday, June 21, 2009

The thought that is matter dear. Thank you kid.
Friday, June 19, 2009
When old friends meet - Fivers71 TT session at Kampung Baru 19th. June 2009.
We were school mate in the 60s. So what did we talk about for almost three hours. You can imagine. The same old stories that might bored people to death but the seven of us still find it amusing and even gave it new twist he he. We could have met at a coffee house in one of the KL five star hotel but we choosed this simple stall in Kampung Baru (My Sitsa Corner) simply because the owner happened to be one of us.
We wondered what happened to those who could not come, and those that we have no news at all. One name always cropped up, Wan Hussein from Kelantan, because somebody said he had three wifes. Is it true Wan? You do make us jealous.
We were school mate in the 60s. So what did we talk about for almost three hours. You can imagine. The same old stories that might bored people to death but the seven of us still find it amusing and even gave it new twist he he. We could have met at a coffee house in one of the KL five star hotel but we choosed this simple stall in Kampung Baru (My Sitsa Corner) simply because the owner happened to be one of us.
We wondered what happened to those who could not come, and those that we have no news at all. One name always cropped up, Wan Hussein from Kelantan, because somebody said he had three wifes. Is it true Wan? You do make us jealous.
Rashid,Shuib and Akhir.
Mokhtar, Shuib,Akhir,Hamdan,Yahya and Jamil.
Rashid, Akhir,Hamdan,Yahya,Jamil(hidden)Shah,Mokhtar.
Jamil,Shah,Mokhtar,Rashid, Akhir, Hamdan.
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