At the whooping cost of RM1.05mil National Art Gallery is trying to bring the legendary works of Leonardo Da Vinci to Malaysia albeit minus the famous Mona Lisa. For security reason the French Government do not allow the painting to leave French Soil. With or without Mona Lisa the exhibition is still worthwhile to attend for many of us. For those who have read the novel or watch the movie 'Da Vinci Code' they would be able to relate certain part of Da Vinci work. He is not just an artist but a scientist, engineer, inventor and a poet all in one. I can't wait to see his original sketches of helicopter, jet engine, submarine and flying machine. National Art Gallery must be lauded for making such effort to bring the exhibition to Southeast Asia for the first time. If your children is inclined to arts this exhibition is a must for them after all a trip to Paris is not cheap in comparison. (in today STAR, date of exh. tba)
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