The feeling was still strong after 39 years. SMS from brother Ramly Khairuddin and email at SDARA yahoo group was enough to motivate me to attend the function. Ramly, my former dorm mate Tanjung Malim days, was the the current YDP PIBG and the man behind organising the carnival.
There was a big crowd on that day rendering the the school compound the carnival atmosphere.
There were proud parents, siblings the public at large attending the function. Many SDARAs Alumni seen wearing their former school uniform with tie, school badge and rubber shoes (he he Nikey not Fung Kiong).
What a change. During my days we had only sport day and school open day to celebrate in each year. Most of our parent had not even set their foot at the school compound. We have very supportive parents now days who have the means too.
Congratulation to Ramly and Tuan Pengetua, Zakaria for organising the event first of its kind at SDAR.
(Note: SDARA Alumni contributed RM50K toward the school for the year 2010)
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