Tribute to mother's day. (To my twin Intan and Ame)
I know you always try your best to show how much your mother mean to you by celebrating Mother's Day with her. How can I forget when I am the one who have to put up with the bill all the time. It is not possible for you to give her a hug or a kiss to tell her how much you love her everyday. She might think something is wrong if you do that. 'Buang tebiat' the malay call it. I am going to tell you why your mother should be so special to you so that your mother's day celebration this year will give entirely a new meaning.
When I first I met your mother, this must be in the seventies, we like to frequent Morib beach. I always like to be by the sea, to enjoy the open ocean view and breathe the fresh air. I still remember she whispered something to my ear during our intimate moment together. "Darling I love you so much, I am going to give you a twin, that is if we ever get married." Call it premonition, telepathy or motherly instinct, whatever, she knew then, even before we were married that both of you were coming.
To cut the story short, we got married. One day she was not feeling well so I took her to Clinic Soo at SS14. The doctor couln't find anything wrong but with any newly married couple the doctor of course suspected pregnancy could be the culprit. So the doctor took urine sample and asked us to come back couple of days later to get the pregnancy test result. True enough the doctor confirmed your mother was pregnant but she was astounded by the stomach rapid growth. She said it was not normal for the baby to grow so fast unless they are twin. She asked us to go to UH to do proper scanning to eliminate other causes. I couldn't describe how happy I was. Off we went to UH and Dr.Adlan confirmed that she was carrying a twin. He said, "Mother..this is not going to be an easy pregnancy for you because you are small built. You have to rest a lot and I am going to make sure you get all the medical leave you need".
So for the next couple of month your mother continue to go to work. Her stomach was getting bigger and bigger. At night she used to put my hand on her stomach to feel both of you kicking each other.
Those days we do not have hand phone, so it was not easy for me to communicate with your mother when she was warded at UH on Dr. Adlan advice. It was still fresh in my mind the day you were delivered to this world. I cooked fried mee that evening hoping to surprised her with my special recipe. Before I left the house UH called me to inform that they had to perform caesarean on your mother because her water bag was broken.
I rushed to the UH just in time to see her being wheeled out from the operating theatre. I was really worried because she looked blue and her lip was black and dried. I learned later that it was quite normal for a person to appear as such due to losing a lot of blood. She was still semi conscious and appeared in a daze. She still manage to put up a brave face and whisper to me , "Bang.. anak kita ada kaki dan tangan ke.. mata hidung ok ke?". Of course I told her all ok even though I have not seen both of you yet. All I cared in the world at that time was for her to get well after such an ordeal because she had sacrificed so much to bring you to this world.
You see girls, every time a mother giving birth, she is fighting for her life. To create a new life, she must be prepared to gamble her own life. This is the extend of mother sacrifice for her own children to survive. Despite the risk involved all the mother can think of is the well being of her children right from the moment they entered this world. So come mother's day please remember to tell how grateful you are for all she had done for you.