Saturday, February 27, 2010

45000 Vacancies at 'Mamak and Indian Restaurant' in Malaysia.
Is this true? or just another gimmick for some cronies to import more foreign workers?
Well if the paper is just talking about 'mamak restaurant' what about other eating places which had sprouted like mushroom all over the country.
If at one time only in plantation sector such problem exist, has it migrated to other sectors. Again I wonder what is the purpose of creating ministries such as 'human resources' 'education' and 'higher education' if such problem is getting worse. Foreign workers are bringing new problems and here we are talking shortage of them (foreign workers).
It is very clear there is a mismatch between what kind of workers our country produced and the requirement. Our children had not been told that they might have to work in this sector upon finishing their tertiary education. They are not being trained or prepared for such career. In fact they are not encouraged to go for such job as it had no future. Many are just too shy to admit that they are working as a waiter. No wonder if you go to many restaurant such as those at Sunway Pyramid you are being greeted by foreign waiter.

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