Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Missing Indians in Malaysia, 39000 of them (In STAR today)

Are we worried? he he we are not even concerned. Why should we? There are providing cheap manpower to everyone. Next time when you go to a mamak stall, just look at waiter who served you. Ever wonder why they can hardly understand you?

A friend of mine told me this story. A mamak stall employed several newly arrived Indians from the continent. Since they can hardly communicate to his customer, he employed them in the kitchen until such time they can pick up basic language skill. One day he was short of workers so had to deploy them as waiter. He told the new waiter to reply "sudah habis" (mean it is finish) for any order that he could not understand. Of course he could not understand a lot of things except for few common dishes. A customer came and ordered something which the waiter could not understand, so came the reply "sudah habis". The customer was not satisfied as most of his regular menus was not available, decided to test the waiter by ordering "bulu ayam goreng" (fried chiken feathers). He founded the truth of the situation when he received the same reply "sudah habis".

Obviously issuing visas is not the answer here. What about enforcement?

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